In the digital age, companies face constant cyber threats. In this blog post our CEO, Henrik Dannert, explores how Human Resources plays a crucial role in dealing with these threats, particularly through ISO 27001 standards, to safeguard sensitive information and maintain a secure environment.
Have you been hacked, or are you living in delusion? You can categorize all companies into two groups: those who have already been hacked and those who have not yet discovered it. It’s indeed a shocking notion, but that’s the reality we’re faced with today. Given the news that inundates us, it’s perhaps not surprising. There has been a disturbing trend in the realm of criminal activity, with cybercrime now generating more revenue than the drug trade. Today, we are experiencing a transformative impact that information technology has on all of us. No one can escape the influence of IT, whether as individuals or as professionals. This means that we must also address cybercrime in our daily lives.

Henrik Dannert, CEO
With more and more data being stored by HR-departments without proper security, its basically an open gold mine for someone to hack and steal.
The Role of HR in the Digital Age:
If you work in HR, you probably didn’t choose your profession primarily to deal with IT issues. However, the current situation necessitates a significant focus on IT within HR’s responsibilities. HR plays a pivotal role in leveraging technology to advance the business, and it’s where one of the most significant technological shifts is happening right now.
Unending Regulations and Technology Advances:
An unceasing stream of regulations and the parallel development of technology have turned HR into the hub that harnesses all the benefits of IT. At the same time, it must address security and the threats that come with it.
Key Considerations in this Endeavor:
- Clear Security Processes:
Security responsibilities should be clearly defined, covering both physical and technical security, including GDPR and broader data management. - Choosing Trustworthy Suppliers:
HR should thoroughly assess suppliers and partners for their security measures and quality certifications. - Cyber Insurance as Protection:
Traditional corporate insurance is no longer sufficient. It’s essential to have specific cybercrime insurance to aid in the event of a cyber incident.
Security at Heartpace:
At Heartpace, we have always placed our customers’ security at the forefront. We embraced the concept of “privacy by design” as early as 2013 when we began building our HR system. Compliance with GDPR was a given even before it became law in 2017. We have also chosen to certify ourselves for ISO 27001: 2022, a quality standard that speaks volumes about our security commitment. In addition, being part of the Söderberg & Partners group provides us access to the market’s best cybercrime insurance.

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Of course, we can’t guarantee that neither we nor our customers will never fall victim to cybercrime. No one can make that promise, and as I mentioned initially, everyone is vulnerable without exception. However, what we can assure is that we will do everything from our side to minimize the risks associated with operating a business for our customers in a changing world. If you have questions about how to achieve a more secure HR environment, please reach out, and we’ll share our experience and how it can benefit you.
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