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The significance of competence development in meeting future challenges.

Apr 25, 2024
How can competence development contribute to meeting future challenges by providing employees with the skills…

Performance Management and its importance for developing employees

Apr 19, 2024
For you in HR, it’s not just important to have effective processes and activities for…

Goal setting’s importance for employee performance

Apr 9, 2024
The ability to navigate and perform under pressure is an increasingly valuable and sought-after trait…

The importance of onboarding in creating engaged employees

Apr 3, 2024
As a newly hired employee, a warm welcome is crucial. Indeed, we all want to…

The potential of salary mapping to enhance profitability

Mar 26, 2024
Imagine if every employee in the company feels that their contribution is not only valued…

How HRM Can Contribute to Creating an Attractive Workplace

Mar 18, 2024
A company's success is more dependent than ever on its ability to attract and retain…

The impact of HR digitalization on the workplace.

Mar 14, 2024
As technological advancements become increasingly pervasive, digitalization has become an ever more central aspect of…

The choice between a small incident, or a major disaster

Mar 7, 2024
Back The choice between a small incident, or a major disaster 4 March, 20245 minWhen…

The importance of salary transparency for gender equality and fairness

Feb 20, 2024
The pursuit of both gender equality and fairness are central themes for modern businesses today.

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The Champion Approach

Oct 13, 2021
BACK The Champion Approach 13 Oct, 2021Your own mindset and leadership style towards your coworkers…

What is the cost of your internal meetings?

Jun 2, 2021
BACK What is the cost of your internal meetings? 02 Jun, 2021What is the cost…

Online interview | Bruno Perin Tells the Value of OKRs

Nov 2, 2020
BACK Online interview | Bruno Perin Tells the Value of OKRs 02 Nov, 2020Bruno Perin,…

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